2024 4th International Conference on Laser, Optics and Optoelectronic Technology (LOPET 2024)
Keynote Speakers



Prof. Chao Zuo

Smart Computational Imaging Laboratory (SCILab), NanjingUniversity of Science and Technology, China

SPIE Fellow

Brief Introduction:

Dr. Chao Zuo is a professor in optical engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST), China. He leads the Smart Computational Imaging Laboratory (SCILab: www.scilaboratory.com) at the School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, NJUST, and is also the founder and director of the Smart Computational Imaging Research Institute of NJUST. He has long been engaged in the development of novel Computational Optical Imaging and Measurement technologies, with a focus on Phase Measuring Imaging Metrology. He has published > 200 peer-reviewed articles with over 13,000 citations. This research has been highlighted on the covers of prestigious journals such as Light, Optica, LPR, PhotoniX, and AP, among others, on over 30 occasions. He holds editorial roles at PhotoniX, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, and other esteemed publications. Additionally, he is a Fellow of SPIE and Optica, and has been recognized as a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher.

Speech Title: High-speed 3D imaging and metrology: from classical fringe projection to deep learning approaches


With the rapid development of optoelectronic information technology, three-dimensional (3D) imaging and sensing has become a research forefront in optical metrology. Fringe projection profilometry (FPP) is one of the most representative 3D imaging technologies due to its non-contact, high-resolution, high-speed, and full-field measurement capability. In recent years, with the rapid advances of optoelectronic devices and digital signal processing units, people subsequently set higher expectations on FPP: it should be both “high precision” and “high speed”. While these two aspects seem contradictory in nature, “speed” has gradually become a fundamental factor that must be taken into account when using FPP, and high-precision 3D reconstruction using only one single pattern has been the ultimate goal of structured light 3D imaging in perpetual pursuit. Nowadays, deep learning technology has fully “permeated” into almost all tasks of optical metrology. In this talk, we introduce our recent efforts to apply deep-learning approaches to FPP. We show that the deep-learning-enabled fringe analysis approach can significantly boost the accuracy and improve the quality of the phase reconstruction compared to conventional single-fringe phase retrieval approaches. Deep learning can also be used to achieve single-frame, high-precision, unambiguous 3D shape reconstruction, which is expected to fill the speed “gap” between 3D imaging and 2D sensing and enables FPP techniques to go a step further in high-speed and high-accuracy 3D surface imaging of transient events.


Prof. Koji Sugioka

RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Japan

SPIE Fellow

Brief Introduction:

Koji Sugioka received his B. S., Ms. Eng., and Dr. Eng. Degrees in electronics from Waseda University (Japan) in 1984, 1986, and 1993, respectively. He Joined RIKEN in 1986 and is currently a Team Leader of the Advanced Laser Processing Research Team at RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics. He was awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Szeged (Hungary) in 2018. Koji Sugioka is internationally renowned for his works on laser micro and nanofabrication. In particular, he is known as a leading scientist in the ultrafast laser processing. Koji Sugioka is a member of the board of directors of the Laser Institute of America (LIA), the Japanese Laser Processing Society (JLPS) and the Japan Society of Laser Technology (JSLT). He is a Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), the Optical Society of America (OSA, now Optica), LIA, the Intl. Academy of Photonics and Laser Engineering (IAPLE), and the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP). He is also an editor-in-chief of the Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering (JLMN), and an editor of Opto-Electronic Advances (OEA), Nanomaterials, and the International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing (IJEM). He organized numerous international conferences as a chair, including LAMP, LPM, COLA, ICPEPA, SPIE Photonics West LASE, etc.   

Speech Title: Ultrafast Laser 3D Processing for fabrication of functional micro and nanosystems


The rapid development of the ultrafast laser has revolutionized materials processing due to its unique characteristics of ultrashort pulse width and extremely high peak intensity. In particular, the extremely high peak intensity associated with ultrashort pulse width of ultrafast laser allows nonlinear interactions such as multiphoton absorption and tunneling ionization to be induced in transparent materials such as glass, which provides versatility in terms of the materials that can be processed. More interestingly, focusing the ultrafast laser beam inside the transparent materials confines the nonlinear interaction only within the focal volume, enabling three-dimensional (3D) micro- and nanoprocessing by scanning the the focused laser beam inside the transparent materials. We applied this 3D fabrication capability of ultrafast laser to fabricate 3D functional micro and nanosystems. Applications of the fabricated systems include 3D micro and nanofluidic chips to elucidate mechanism of cancer cell metastasis and invasion in human bodies, diagnostic microchips based on advanced digital polymerase chain reaction (d-PCR), and 3D microfluidic surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) chips enabling ultrahigh sensitivity sensing of chemical substances and biological molecules.


Prof. Wenlin Feng

Chongqing University of Technology, China

Brief Introduction:

Wenlin Feng is currently a professor of School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing, China. He got his Ph.D. degree from Sichuan University, Chengdu, China in 2008. He was Optical Engineering Post-Doctoral Fellow at Chongqing University, Chongqing, China from 2009-2011. He was also associated as a Visiting Scientist at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2011, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA during 2013-2014.

His research interest has been Optoelectronic integration and LiDAR technology, Semiconductor optoelectronic devices, optical sensor, etc. He has published more than 100 research articles in reputed international journals and holds more than 20 Chinese patents.

Speech Title: Research on Design and Performance of Silicon-based On-chip Hydrogen Sensor


Three different silicon-based on-chip hydrogen sensors have been proposed and their performances have been analyzed in detail by taking advantage of the sensitivity properties of hydrogen-sensitive materials such as Pd and Pt/WO3. (1) An asymmetric MZI hydrogen sensor is constructed applying a DSHP waveguide consisting of a Si waveguide and two Pd disks on both sides as a hydrogen-sensitive optical element. The hydrogen sensitivity is up to 11.935 nm/% and can be flexibly adjusted, the extinction ratio (ER) reaches over 30 dB, the response time can theoretically be as short as 7.65 s, and the detection limit can be as low as 0.17%. (2) A one-dimensional (1D) photonic crystal (PhC) microcavity and a 1D PhC bandstop filter are designed, and an ultra-compact 1D PhC nanobeam resonator is achieved by cascading the two structures on a Si straight waveguide to realize an integrated optical hydrogen sensor. The sensitivity of the sensor reaches 1.1332 nm/% when the H2 concentration is 4%. The transmittance remains above 85%, and the ER of the resonance peak is as high as 36.5 dB. (3) To further reduce the device size and lower the fabrication and environmental requirements, an optical hydrogen sensor based on a 1D all-dielectric topological photonic crystal (TPhC) microcavity is proposed. 


Prof. Xiaotao Hao

Shandong University, China

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC,UK

Fellow of Institute of Physics (IOP, FInst), UK

Brief Introduction:

Xiao-Tao Hao is now working as a professor at School of Physics in Shandong University, China. He received his bachelor degree in physics in 1997 and PhD degree in condensed matter physics in 2002 at Shandong University. He was a research associate at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore from 2002 to 2005. He then moved as a JSPS fellow to Chiba University, Japan. He joined School of Chemistry at The University of Melbourne in 2007 and returned to Shandong University in 2012.

His research interests include organic semiconductor physics and device physics, time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy/microscopy, and organic solar cells. He has more than 190 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and holds 6 patents. He has delivered more than 30 invited lectures on international conferences/workshops. He has received a number of awards, including JSPS Research Fellowship (2005), CSJ Distinguished Lectureship Award (2011), and the “National Young 1000 Talents ” (2011), Natural Science Award of Shandong Province, etc.
Xiao-Tao Hao is a Fellow of Institute of Physics (IOP, FInst), UK, a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK, a Chartered Member of Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI, MRACI CChem), and a Director Board Member of Shandong Physical Society. He serves as the Regional Vice President of the Thin Films Society. He also serves as the editorial member of Scientific Reports, 3D Research and Chinese Chemical Letters.


Prof. Ping Lu

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

IEEE Senior Member

Brief Introduction:

Lu Ping, Professor, Ph.D. She graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology to obtain a Ph.D in Electronic science and technology, who was promoted to associate professor and professor in 2006 and 2011 respectively, and was engaged in postdoctoral research work in Optical Sciencs Center of University ofArizona during 2009-2010. She is also the head of the national first-class undergraduate course "Fiber Optics." ,  serves as a reviewer for internationally renowned journals such as Optics Express, Optics Letters, Applied Optics, etc.Her mainly research work include Fiber sensor, Fiber laser,Fiber optics.


Prof. Manuel F. M. Costa

Center of Physics of the Universities of Minho and Porto, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

Brief Introduction:

Manuel F. M. Costa holds a PhD in Science (Physics) from the University of Minho in Portugal, where he has been a member of the Physics Department since 1985. He is actively involved in teaching and applied research in areas such as optics, optical metrology, thin films nanoscience and applications, as well as science education and literacy. Dr. Costa has presented approximately four hundred communications at international meetings and has published a similar number of scientific papers, monographs, and books. He has also served as an editor or member of the editorial board for numerous international journals and has chaired over thirteen international conferences. Additionally, Dr. Costa is a board member of the European Optical Society (EOS) and deputy chair of its Scientific Advisory Board. He served as the past-president (2019-2022) and board member of the Iberoamerican Optics Network (RIAO) and was the past-president (2011-2020) of the Portuguese Territorial Committee of the International Commission for Optics (ICO). He is a member of the executive board and regional representative for Europe of the International Council of Associations of Science Education (ICASE). Dr. Costa is currently the President of the Hands-on Science Network (HSCI) and the Portuguese Society for Optics and Photonics (SPOF). He is also a Fellow of the European Optical Society.


Speech Title:Optical Methods for the Detection of Skin Neoplasia - Image Fractal Analysis of 3D Microtopographic Inspection


Early detection of skin cancer is fundamental to a successful treatment. Changes in the shape, including the relief, of skin lesions are an indicator of a possible malignity. 2D image processing is routinely used for diagnostic. However, the results can be improved if optical microtopographic inspection of skin lesions is used to identify diagnostic patterns of benign and malign skin lesions. Statistical parameters like the mean roughness (Ra) may allow the discrimination between different types of lesions and degree of malignity. Fractal analysis of bi-dimensional and 3D images of skin lesions can validate or complement that assessment by calculation of its fractal dimensions (FD). On the study herein reported the microtopographic inspection of the skin lesions were performed using the optical triangulation based microtopographer developed at the Physics Department of the University of Minho, MICROTOP.03.MFC. Images of the skin lesions were digitized and processed in order to calculate fractal parameters. The patients that participated in this research work were men and women older than 15 years with the clinical and histopathology diagnoses of: melanoma, basocellular carcinoma, epidermoide carcinoma, actinic keratosis, keratoacantosis and benign nevus. The combination of the rugometric evaluation and fractal geometry characterization, both 2D and 3D, provides valuable information about the malignity of skin lesions and type of lesion.


Prof. Jinsong Li

Anhui University (AHU), China

Brief Introduction:

Dr. Jingsong LI received his PhD in Optics from Hefei Institute of Physical Science (HIPS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China, in 2008. Since then, he worked as a Postdoctoral, Scientific researcher and Visiting scholar at Reims University (CNRS, France) and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Germany), and Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Switzerland), respectively. He is currently a Professor in Anhui University (AHU), China, and leads the Laser Spectroscopy and Sensing Lab. His research interests include working on high sensitive laser spectroscopy techniques and related applications on industry process control, atmospheric chemistry, soil ecosystems and marine environmental applications, and advanced digital signal processing algorithms. Currently, He is a member of Chinese Society for Optical Engineering (CSOE), SPIE, IEEE, OSA and EGU. He has authored over 100 peer-refereed articles with over 1000 citations on international SCI journals, such as Analytical Chemistry, ACS Sensors, Sensors and Actuators B, Optics Letters, Optics Express, etc, and one book (Modern Laser Spectroscopy Technique and Applications, Science Press, 2022); and more than 30 invited conference presentations He serves as an Associate/Guest Editor of international SCI journals Frontiers in Physics, Sensors, Chemosensors, Crystals and Journal of Laser Applications. Moreover, he was listed in the World’s Top 2% Scientists in 2020 and 2023, respectively, by Stanford University.